
Micheline Steinberg, my agent, has suggested that Steve and I find an agent in New York because she doesn't represent clients out there. So I am attempting to do this. Most US theatres and production companies prefer to be contacted by agents rather than receive unsolicited material from writers. If an agent sends your work in, a producer is far more likely to take notice of it because they know it has been vetted by an agent first. When I first started writing stage plays I worked as a literary agent for a while. Initially I worked for Michael Imison and Alan Brodie and then set up my own agency. I represented a handful of young writers and also the Estates of some very well known writers, including Dorothy Parker, HE BAtes, DH Lawrence and John Wyndham. There is nothing like working as an agent for a few years to really learn how it all works. While I was working for Michael, as his assistant, he was very generous. He took me to all the openings and introduced me to everyone. I remember it as a very exciting time in my life, where I met some amazing writers and actors and read hundreds of plays!


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