After the last few intensive writing days I think the Proposal for the Arts Council is ready. I have shown them a draft and they also think it is in a fit state to be seen by the GFTA (Grants For The Arts) panel and they said that the creative and project descriptions are strong. However, I have also been advised to articulate ACE's priorities and objectives that the application meets. It is not enough to have them embedded in the Proposal. I have spent a lot of time reading through all these Arts Council documents again and putting quotes into the Proposal. They think we have a lot to contribute in terms of possible audience reach of the final piece, and also in terms of the creative economy behind musical theatre. But I have also attempted to address the internal thinking that ACE has been doing in terms of how they support the development of new musical theatre. I am very aware that we are setting a precedent and must get it right.
I now only have a few bits of fiddling around to do with the detailed expense pages. They are written on an Excel program, which is renowned for its complicated style. I have been shown how to do it quite a few times, but things still go wrong and I end up with loads of codes all over the page and have to keep clicking the escape button and swearing loudly.
Oh to get back to the actual writing for the musical again! I feel as if the characters are sitting in the corner of my study feeling neglected, but this job has to be done in order to bring them to life.
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